be your 3d environment illustrator


Description Game design ready. Simple environment. 3-7 buildings. Game design okay. Medium environment (more organics). 3-10 buildings or main structures. Depends for game design. Large scene composition. 3-15+ building or structures.
Delivery time 4872120
Price $1000$2500$8500
SKU: 332970968 Categories: ,


And Hello clients! I will provide some more interesting and detailed information here!

*Landscape and environment illustrations.

  • Landscape and environment illustrations.
  • Depending on your preferences, the files can be also used in game design.
  • Illustrations might not be realistic, well, also depends on instructions given, but the projects will tell the main idea to the viewer for sure.
  • If you order a walkthrough animation through the environment in the Fight Scene type of gig, I will make any additional simple animations for free!


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